About Us
Central Vermont Adult Education has been serving Washington, Orange, and Lamoille counties for almost 60 years.
OUR MISSION: We provide free adult education and literacy services to adults and out-of-school youth age 16+, and to engage the entire community in our efforts.
We serve 500+ students a year, from all 47 towns and cities of Central Vermont.
What makes us different than the school you remember?
· Flexible scheduling
· 1-on-1 instruction
· Instruction driven by student goals
With our 6 learning centers, we are here to help you reach your goals.
Operations & Support
Catherine Kalkstein, Executive Director
Brian Kravitz, Director of Outreach and Workforce Development
Kate Nicolet, Program Director
Lisa Liotta, Director of Finance and Administration
Sarah Semler, Volunteer Coordinator & GED Examiner
Joseph Sylvain, Program and Operations Assistant
Teacher/Community Coordinators
Michael Bade (Lamoille County)
Charlotte Bill (Lamoille County)
Jessica Clayton (Washington County)
Liza Earle-Centers (Washington County)
Peter Flaherty (Orange County)
Abigail Fleming (Orange County)
Michele Gonzales (Lamoille County)
Ed Oravec (Washington County)
Kelly Pierpont (Washington County)
Mary Reardon (Washington County)
Charlie Watson (Washington County)
Nancy McCann, President
Thetford Center - Orange County
Retired (Lawyer/Former Director of Labor Relations and Sr. HR Consultant, Dartmouth College)
Mary Grace, Vice President
Morrisville - Lamoille County
Executive Director, Partnerships for Literacy and Learning
Jill Jaret-Rossi, Treasurer
Wolcott - Lamoille County
Business Banking Relationship Manager, Vice President M&T Bank
Kate Lamb
Morrisville - Lamoille County
Director of People and Purpose, Clean Royalties
Erin Wetherell, Secretary
East Thetford - Orange County
Coordinator of Student Advising, Community College of Vermont (CCV)
Seth Lipschutz
Middlesex - Washington County
Retired Public Defender
Elizabeth Robinson
Williamstown - Orange County
Clerk, Central Vermont Council on Aging
Libbie Moeykens
Morrisville - Lamoille County
Vice President of Development, Spruce Peak Realty
Norman Williams
Stowe - Lamoille County
Teacher, Mount Mansfield Ski Club & Academy
CVAE is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. The board assists with program planning and evaluation and assumes policy and fiscal oversight responsibilities for the organization.